The Beatles Say Hello . . . .

May 5, 2008 at 10:27 am (Uncategorized)

The Beatles were more than musicians, they were also poets. John and Paul collaborated on writing most of the Beatles’ lyrics. Many times, the result was brilliant poetry set to music. One such occasion was the penning of the lyrics to Eleanor Rigby, from their “Revolver” album released in August of 1966. We’re pleased to present an article that offers insight into the process that the Beatles, and writers of all kinds, have gone through in order to marshall their works from conception to completion.

The Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan show February 9th of 1964 and American pop music was changed in an instant. Over 70 million viewers turned in, and Beatlemania in America was born. By the first week in April, the Beatles held the top 5 spots in Billboard’s Hot 100. Prior to the Beatles, rock in America had stagnated. Unexciting crooners sang songs cranked out by a small group of songwriting “factories”. The Beatles wrote their own songs and delivered them with boundless vitality and enthusiasm. Their popularity, and that of the ensuing British Invasion, sparked countless legions of young people to purchase guitars and drums. They joined in groups who hoped to follow in the Beatles footsteps, thus creating the worldwide Garage Rock phenomenon.

Musicians who write lyrics to be sung over their melodies engage in a process that is similar to that of all poets and writers. A seed of an idea becomes lodged in the imagination of the writer. An iterative process ensues where word clusters associatively bring to mind related concepts. The mind clarifies these notions into phrases which invoke the next round of thoughts. The prepared wordsmith keeps a notepad handy at all times to record the resulting output. Eventually a mature, fully developed work emerges and the author releases it into the world.

Here in the 21st century, writers have the resources of the world-wide-web at their fingertips. There is advice and councel for every step of the process. If you are a writer looking for insight and assistance, begin by reading the article that we present, below. Then, visit JanTheProofer’s site and read the articles in the “Grammar and Writing” section. A concise discussion of the five steps in the Writing Process can be found at this page. Comprehensive Writer’s Resource web sites include Writers Write, WritersNet and WritersWeekly.

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